Below are ten great steps every blogger should implement in order to maximize the amount of view and traffic their content can generate. Transform this steps into a routine, and in time they will become a valuable asset.

Step 1: write really good content
Write content that you can actually use, implement, and profit form. Actionable content, such as podcasts, lists and how-to guides are ideal

"Content is king, as long as you can produce good content, you will do well in the long run"

Step 2: create evergreen content
Use content that is relevant and relatable now and in the future, not just short term or "hot" topics. Long term content may no produce instant traffic, but in the long run, your traffic volume will compound.

"Write long term content that will be valuable for years, not months"

Step 3: don't write an essay
Write a conversation, add some humor, witty banter, use the words "you" and "i". People want results and entertainment, keep it light and actionable, and the shares will go up

"People don't want to read an essay, don't put people to sleep with long dialog and fancy words"

Step 4: promote the content
do the basics when it comes to seo. Search for: "beginners guide to seo" by moz. Create a list of 100 blogger and ask them to tweet your content. 5-10% of targeted people will retweet

"Writing content is only half the battle in content marketing. You have to promote"

Step 5: comment on blogs
Schedule 20 minute every morning, read relevant blogs and give relevant comments. Avoid self-promotion or "douche" tactics. Focus on genuine feedback.

"Don't be lazy! It's a simple strategy, when applied, works really well"

Step 6: mention people in your blog
Link to related posts that benefit your reader. This could be a competitor or othe people in the industry. Let people know when you've mentioned them in your blog posts. 20-30%

"There's a good chance when you write your blog post, that there are other resource you can link to"

Step 7: network with other writers
Create a bond with guest bloggers though posts, direct messages and retweeting their content. Your success rate in asking for favors and introductions will be much higher with good bonds and networking

"The best way to noticed on larger blogs is through other author who write there frequently"

Step 8: start guest posting
Write really great, non promotional posts. Have a link to your site in your bio. Start with smaller blogs, build your reputation and reach out larger players.

"Once you post regularly on larger sites, you can throw in links to your own site. Your traffic will really spike"

Step 9:start collecting emails
Collect emails, which you can then blast your new content to, this will generate consistent traffic. Offer them something of value instead of simply asking them to join your mailing list. Conversions will spike

"An email list generally generates more social shares then any other form of traffic"

Step 10: create & promote groups
Use various social medias available, including twitter, facebook and linkedin and to create groups. Advertise to get new group members. Blast new content, which will be read by the group members, generating more traffic and shares.

"It's so effective and so valuable in furthering the growth of posts and blogs"

"Don't get discouraged if you don't see instantaneous results. Is consistently, this takes  time. You will see  noticeable increase in  traffic after six months. Search engines prefer older websites, it takes time for them to show newer sites love" - neil patel


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